
Isn't it romantic?

Spending a good hour on this floor really makes you wish you hadn't broken your mop.

But the pain was worth it, as I got to eat this top-drawer meal, listen to my Ink Spots record, and read my new Ready-Made magazine, all by the gleam of it.
The only thing left to make this solo evening truly complete was to find this playing on my TV and sit down with a big box of Kleenex and eat bon bons.
Just kidding. I scrammed out of the house to meet a friend for drinks. But I really had you there for a second, didn't I? HA!
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Robin said...

I don't even get that. Why would watching that movie with Kleenex and bonbons be ridiculous? I'd rather do that than go get a drink! :)

fuzzydunlop said...

is that Magnificent Obsession by Douglas Sirk?