
Losing daylight and bad metaphor alert

We all know it is bound to happen. As of two nights ago, the horizon at 5:45 was nearing the end of its tube of toothpaste, so I came home and ran down the street to capture the last bit of light squeezed out over the top of the bluff. ( A total stretch. I warned you.)

Living in Spokane gets rough starting now. You wake up in the dark, you come home in the dark. You hope the roads are dry, and pray your car makes it up the hill when they aren't. It's cold till about April 27. Everyone whines. You pause on QVC when you're channel-surfing because shopping at home is the more realistic option (or because watching their featured "gem fest" sounds like it could be an all-out laughfest).

Living in Spokane also gets nice starting now. There's long underwear, for one (and tights! don't forget those), and that magical feeling-some call it relief-when your body thaws (and let's not forget nice, hot baths), and then there are all those girls like me who equate cold weather with hair dye and going dark. That's fun to think about, right? And finally, a chance to hole up in the house and just craft and bake and call all your old friends. There's that feeling of optimism that this cold WILL end, and while you wait, why not skip a day of work and go skiing? 

Perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself. For tonight, I've got a date with a swimming pool. Indoors, of course.
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