
What silly times we had

Saturday night was (one of many) prom night(s). Prom kids were everywhere. Stretch limos on every street, a light breeze scented with Aquanet and super-sweet perfume, glitter, screaming, girls wobbling on high heels, boys acting like boys, and drama on every corner. Okay, I may be exaggerating, but still, on Saturday, we seemed to be walking around prom central. My friends and I decided to make it our prom night again, reminiscing our dates and awkward pubescent moments. So ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Prom '08:

But this time, we weren't afraid to show our love:

And this time, we weren't afraid to...well...eat metal, I guess:

This time, we got to drink some beer with Brendan:

And finally, this time, we got to stay out late enough to see the body builders come out before the sunrise:

Prom '08: we made it great.
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