
feel like makin' shirts

Late one night I found myself with a friend at a craft store. We stumbled upon some $5 t-shirts and suddenly I remembered that I'd been wanting to embroider more shirts with my silly drawings. It's fun to embroider something weird because a.) it's one of a kind, and b.) people don't know how to react to it, which is, c.) funny. I love easy conversation starters like, "What's your shirt all about?"


I had originally wanted to do a bit more elaborate wording, so that's probably why it looks kinda dinky. It was going to say "Love commands you to stay" but then after I embroidered the dog, I realized that half its body was practically under "the shelf," making it hard to see what it was, and surely lettering below that would be hard to read. So this one was just a test. It only took me about an hour and a half to do it, so bring on the $5 T's. I'm ready for more.
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Joel said...

If you were feeling bored or creatively stalled, you could embroider me a shirt that says "I hope you peace" with a little tiny trademark sign at the end. A drunk old man in a smoky Coeur d'Alene bar once told me that he was going to turn this phrase into a bumper sticker and make his first million. I think he misspoke, but I liked the phrase anyway.

Dave said...

Your talents never cease to amaze me! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIZ!

Becky said...

Oh my gosh, that's so awesome! :) I see a movie/t-shirt making night in our future. Root beer and popcorn?? ha ha

Becky said...

Oh my gosh, that's so awesome! :) I see a movie/t-shirt making night in our future. Root beer and popcorn?? ha ha