
At last: a moment to blog

You don't really notice the kind of state you live in until your mom asks if she can crash on your couch for a night. Of course she can, I'd love to have her, but then I look around and remember that I, in fact, have been sleeping on my couch because since doing my laundry I haven't felt like putting sheets on my bed (at least I folded them). I also notice that I've been using my bathroom as a laundry basket. My dining room table has become a sewing table and music organizing station. Oh, and there's a bowl with an overly softened pear sitting in the middle of it. Remnants of my hopes for a healthy lifestyle...right, right. My ironing board is inconveniently in front of my closet door, so rather than hanging up my coat, I just lay it across the chair. There are also 3 issues of unread "Newsweeks" sitting on my desk, small piles of books I got at the library which I haven't really cracked open beyond the first chapter, and a bunch of unopened mail. Do I even live here anymore? If Liz of 3 months ago had walked into this, Liz of 3 months ago would be appalled at Present Day Liz (but relieved that the Present Day Liz still has time to do her dishes).

It's not like I haven't been here, but I guess just not long enough to want to do anything that needs to be done (with the exception of dishes, apparently). What, exactly, has happened, I wonder? What have I been doing? In recent weeks I've been on the phone a lot with musicians and then at my computer a lot trying to sound like I know what I'm talking about (you can read my attempts in music section of The Inlander). I've also been hosting get-togethers in one form or another, whether it's at work or at my apartment (Monday Night Tea [friends drinking tea together on Monday nights] is my latest interest, and last hope for keeping my apartment clean). I'm also sewing things, although I'm not sure if they're going to turn out yet, but I'll keep you posted. And then there's always the other stuff that's always been there - choir rehearsals, P.E.O., work, social outings, treasure hunting at the Grocery Outlet, and constantly battling with my camera. And now, here I am again, thinking of how I need to clean up various messes, fighting the feeling, opting for a blog post. But my battery died a couple days ago and I have no good photos to post.

Except this:

On Friday, my coworker brought in a Dyson (her husband works for them). My other coworker thought it would be fun to block out a 6-foot square and see how much dirt could be sucked out of it. It is a pretty incredible vaccuum. And it was pretty interesting to see how much dirt got sucked up. I wish I had one.


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