
Memories of spring...

Remember last week, when it was spring? How I went on a walk downtown on a Saturday morning and heard birds happily chirping, saw some tiny little buds sprouting, and I thought wonderful thoughts filled shades of yellow, lavender, and bright blue? I woke up this Saturday and was ready to take another walk to downtown, since the last one I took was so nice. Well, if I hadn't fully woken up by the time I was heading out the door, you'd better believe I was wide awake after running back upstairs to grab my boots: I understand the occasional snowflake - we'd be foolish to think that a few won't fall every once in awhile until the end of May, but really...

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1 comment:

Robin said...

It snowed almost this much here in Boise a few weeks ago too, amidst sixty degree days, and it was CRAZINESS! :)