
The fruits of my labor, it seems

I'm trying to rediscover the joys of blogging while also relishing these days of hot weather. It's tough!  I'll keep trying.

The heat prompted me to do two things today. The first was to make sun tea. I left a jug on the back deck this morning before going to work, and when I got home, I drank a nice tall glass of peach iced tea. (But only after sending away a fruit salesman. No joke, he came to the door as I pulled up to the house after work, holding an armful of citrus fruits - a grapefruit, lemons, a lime, and an orange. Tried to sell me them by the crateful, cut each one open for me to sample, right there on the front step. I thought for a moment of Snow White and feared for my life a little bit, but how could I resist the novelty of eating a grapefruit on one of the hottest days year? I couldn't. So there I was, one hand holding my keys, travel mug, purse and book, the other hand dripping with citrus juice and drying into a sticky mess. After I politely turned down his sales pitch, he proceeded to collect ALL of the fruit he had just cut open and carefully placed them in my sticky hand/arm. "Don't want this to go to waste!" he said. Thus ended the weird encounter with Fruit Man and began the most clever maneuver of my life to unlock the front door without dropping the exposed fruits.)

So, sun tea. It went great with this Pasta alla Norma I made from a recipe in Cook's Illustrated. This was also the first time I ever bought anchovies! That is how much I trust the folks in the Test Kitchen. If they say a recipe needs it, I will not question it. And I liked it here. Not sure I would recommend a pasta dish on a hot day, but whatevs.

The second hot-weather novelty of the day was this serendipitous marriage of stuff we had in the freezer. Strawberries, lemon sorbet, limoncello, ice. Oh, and a little club soda to make it blend more easily. And a little sprig of basil to make it fancy. Ooooh man. Brilliant. We are so good to us.

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