
Parading as though Irish

I'm not Irish, but I have a friend named Patrick, and that was reason enough for us to check out the festivities downtown. None of us knew what really happened during a St. Patrick's parade - we guessed there would be a lot of bagpipes and people dressed in green, several folks starting their Guinness marathons at 10 a.m., etc., but otherwise, no clue - but we were fully prepared to get into it.

Bagpipes, check.

The Red Hat Society, unexpected. Maybe those ladies are Irish?

A Sara Lee truck that chucks packages of bagels at the crowd - that was fun. I guess you can use them for your corned beef bagel sandwiches.

Tons of lads and lasses - of course.
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Irish setters - why didn't we think of that one? Of course!

Awkward Irish hugs mid-parade.

Sidenote: there's a movie being filmed in Spokane right now (starring Christian Slater), and the parade was used for a chase scene of sorts - you can see the camera right above the little car.

After a full early-afternoon of cheering at cars, catching bagels, making appearances in movies, and pretending to be pure-blooded Irish kids, we had a craving for the Guinness. We could TOTALLY pass off as being Irish.


Anonymous said...

Suh-weet! I've never understood why Boise doesn't get it's act together and have a big Irish parade... That looks like it was a ton of fun! No Irish dancers with curley ringlet hair?

Happy St. Patty's Day, sis!

Dave said...

I couldn't help but notice who was pounding through their beer faster than the others... :-)

I hope you had a fun day. Will we see you in the chase scene?

Happy SPD!