
Goal: eat more fruit and veggies

I eat a lot of food that's not good for me. I'm always looking forward to my next trip to Wetzel's Pretzels, or the Swamp - not necessarily for the beer, but for the popcorn. It's the salt, the butter, the incredible "mouthfeel" of it all. I wish I could justify my eating it the same way I justify eating a macaroon from an authentic french bakery, i.e., not knowing when I'll have something like it again, or hoping to find "the ultimate" macaroon to tell my friends about. No, the pretzels and popcorn are common and as easy as the push of a button, but nevertheless, I'm a sucker for them, not to mention a whole host of other salty junk food.

Well, everyone, I'm determined to stop filling my fuel tank with the cheap Costco gas that is junk food. I'm going back to the Food Pyramid. I could never give up my Wetzel or Swampcorn, but I could cut back, and I am to make way for the many components of my diet that I so often lack - food oozing with vitamins and minerals.
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